3 Reasons Your Child Should Compete in a Martial Arts Tournament

Martial arts are more than just about fighting. Whether you are talking about Muay Thai kickboxing at a private gym or good old fashioned self-defense at Krav Maga Worldwide, martial arts are about providing a central discipline. And it’s not just for adults, of course. 

Kids can and should get in on the action for a wide variety of reasons, whether it’s to nip a lack of self-confidence in the bud or learn advanced techniques to help with focus and mental acuity.

But kids involved in martial arts need to demonstrate the discipline they’ve learned. Otherwise, they will have no way of really learning what aspects of martial arts they need to improve upon.

Whether it’s a simple technique or learn the value that can be found in organized competition, these are things that your child can discover if they compete in a karate tournament. 

In this article, we’ll be looking at these reasons why a martial arts tournament can be a valuable experience for your child. Read on to discover the 3 reasons your child should compete in a karate tournament.

1. It Can Be a Learning Experience

As we hinted at above, a martial arts tournament can provide your child with valuable insight into what their strengths and weaknesses are as a competitor and practitioner of martial arts. “Why did I lose so quickly?” “Why did I tire out so easily?” These are questions that you may hear your child ask if they lose the tournament. They are a valuable part of the learning process and the answers your child discovers can lead to them getting better in time for the next one.

But questions like, “Why was that so easy?” or “Why did I not have any trouble reading my opponent’s moves?” can provide valuable answers as well. These aren’t necessarily rhetorical questions; they’re questions your child should always be considering when competing in a martial arts tournament if they’re winning. This can help them approach their practice from a more informed place, which is especially useful when facing a more difficult opponent in the future.

2. It Can Bring Them Out of Their Shell

A martial arts class is a pretty intimate place, even though you’re surrounded by your peers. Your instructor can give your child the focus they need to help them better their techniques and provide constructive feedback. There’s no rush and very little pressure, especially compared to the bright lights, large room, and relatively big audience your child has to face when entering a tournament. 

This can be scary for more introverted children. A tournament can be a great way to help coax your child out of their shell. This especially helps if they already have relative confidence in their abilities as a martial artist. 

It, in essence, gives them a chance to show what they’ve learned and be cheered on by supportive folks like friends and family members. Nothing boosts confidence better than people cheering your name.

3. It Can Help Them With Their Concentration

Any actor will tell you that one of the most important things to be when preparing for an audition or performing on a stage in front of hundreds of people is to be focused. This applies equally well to children competing in a martial arts tournament.

The ability to focus on a general goal and use that as an endpoint is an important technique not only for martial arts but for life in general. Participating in a  tournament can help your child crystallize that training and discipline into a victory. And even if they don’t triumph, that focus will carry into their everyday lives to help reach goals both short-term and long-term.

These are just a few benefits of participating in a martial arts tournament, but the other advantages can extend beyond the mat and into places like the classroom or other team sports or even artistic passions your child may have. Consider these reasons when picking up your child from their next martial arts practice and perhaps they may also agree a tournament is a great next step for them.