What Are the Advantages of Using Peptides?

If you keep up with bodybuilding, medical, or beauty news, then you may have heard of peptides. Even if you’ve never heard the word “peptide” before, you likely know a few. Insulin, for example, is a peptide. Palmitoyl and Matrixyl are common peptides found in beauty products. Even human bodies are made up of naturally-occurring peptides.

Peptides are known widely as smaller versions of proteins. All proteins are made up of one or more polypeptides. The peptide itself is defined as a compound made up of two or more amino acids bound together by a peptide bond. A peptide bond is formed when one molecule’s carboxyl group reacts with the amino group of another.

The Advantages of Using Peptides

Because they are smaller than proteins, peptides can be easier to absorb and more effective than their protein versions. Collagen peptides, for example, are a peptide version of collagen. They are made from hydrolyzed collagen, and they are often consumed in drink form and result in beauty and health including relief from joint pain and treatment for leaky gut.

Peptides, both synthetic and natural, are often safer to use than other types of chemicals because many of them already occur naturally in the human body. Besides, each type of peptide tends to have multiple advantages. Read on to learn about some of the most useful peptides.

SARMs: An Alternative to Steroids

Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs) such as Ligandrol, Andarine, and Ostarine have several applications in medicine, with a potential future in fitness. They work by stimulating the release of androgens, such as testosterone, in skeletal muscle. Androgen develops and regulates male characteristics. According to a study from the Boston University School of Medicine, an increase in androgen release can help improve bone density and strength, aiding in the treatment of aging, cancer cachexia, and osteoporosis.

SARMs achieve similar effects to steroids, however, they do not break down into estrogen or DHT, so its users experience fewer side effects. The only drawback is that SARMs can be less effective than steroids or wear off more quickly.

GHRPs: A Multi-Purpose Growth and Healing Agent

The brain’s pituitary and hypothalamus glands release growth hormones to stimulate growth in the body. In older people and people with a growth hormone deficiency, secretion of growth hormone is below ideal levels. Growth Hormone Releasing Peptides (GHRPs) such as GHRP-6, Ipamorelin, and GHRP-2, have the power to counter these deficiencies. They also can control hunger levels, which can be crucial in the treatment of body weight-related illnesses.

GHRP-6 and GHRP-2 are both used to treat eating disorders and growth hormone deficiencies, although the GHRP-2 peptide reduces hunger urges instead of increasing them. Hexarelin is a relatively new GHRP to the field of peptide research and has been shown to create effects more quickly than either GHRP-2 or GHRP-6.

GHRPs can be used to increase strength and allow the body to heal injuries more efficiently, and have been shown to have anti-aging properties. This means that they have potential in the bodybuilding and beauty fields, as well as in medical research.

Bodybuilders and Peptides

The muscle-growth and regeneration capabilities of peptides, such as GHRPs, have found a following amongst bodybuilders and athletes. BPC-157 and Mechano Growth Factor (MGF) are two other types of popular peptides amongst bodybuilders. Capable of reducing recovery time, increasing endurance, and healing muscle tears, bone fractures, and other injuries, these peptides can minimize the breaks in a bodybuilder’s training regimen and greatly improve the rate of muscle gain.

High-purity, authentic peptides are available for purchase on the Internet, although these are generally intended for lab settings only. Many of these peptides have not been tested sufficiently for human use, but people use them anyway. Many bodybuilders and athletes take advantage of these suppliers to buy peptides for supplemental use. The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has taken steps to ban several peptides from professional athletics, but they are not illegal.

If you are considering using SARMs or GHRPs for bodybuilding purposes, make sure to read up on their side effects to ensure you’re using them correctly.

Melanotan II: A Tanning Drug

Peptides are often seen as miracle drugs due to their efficacy, but some types of peptides require more lab studies before their benefits can be enjoyed by humans. The Melanotan II (MT-2) peptide has had a long history: first, it was studied for its ability to counter sexual dysfunction and later, consumers began using it as a tanning drug.

When administered via injection regularly, MT-2 can darken your skin. It works by increasing the amount of melanin, which is a naturally-occurring dark pigment in the skin. Despite its seemingly natural processes, MT-2 is not recommended for tanning use because its results may appear uneven, and extensive research on its side effects has not yet been done. This does not mean that MT-2 use has no advantages, just that its benefits have not yet been harnessed and properly tested.

DSIPs: The Next Major Sleep Drug?

The Delta Sleep-Inducing Peptide (DSIP) was first discovered in 1974 when a group of scientists extracted it from the blood of rabbits in a state of induced sleep. Since then, there has been extensive research on its relation to sleep cycles and other physiological processes. So far, it has found applications in chronic pain treatment, narcolepsy treatment, and stress relief.

While studies about DSIPs’ effect on sleep cycles have not resulted in conclusive results thus far, it has potential as a sleep drug with few side effects. Keep DSIP research on your radar if you are affected by sleep-related disorders.

Peptides Should Be Used Safely

There are so many advantages to using peptides, as they are easily absorbed and mimic the body’s natural functions. They have the potential to improve your health and quality of life, but you must use them correctly. As of now, most applications for peptides are in the medical field. They are used to treat many illnesses including cancer, eating disorders, and sleep disorders. If you deal with a chronic medical condition, try doing a little research on how peptides can help in your treatment.

The average consumer doesn’t have many peptide products to choose from yet, but peptide research is a very exciting field, with the potential to grow into the beauty, health, and athletic industries. Keep an eye out for new, safe ways to benefit from peptides!