7 Great Cardio Workouts to Add to Your Fitness Routine

Person running

Are you looking for a new and creative workout to kickstart your metabolism? Lucky for you, every new day presents another fresh opportunity for a change in your lifestyle and the way you work out! If you find yourself getting bored and tired of your usual one-mile run or StairMaster climb, then it might be time to switch up your usual workout routine and get that metabolism roaring once more! A change in your workout will not only give you a different mindset and motivation to keep with your workout plan, but changing up your cardio routine is incredibly beneficial in engaging different muscle groups than what you’re normally used to and testing your cardiovascular endurance in new ways.

Here are 7 effective cardio workouts to add to your fitness routine to get your feet moving and heart rate pumping!

1) Jump-Rope

This old-school workout is perfect for those who want to intensify their workout regimen. Skipping rope is just as effective as running; in fact, research shows that this whole-body workout is one of the most powerful workouts for both weight loss and fat loss. By engaging your core and keeping your arms actively engaged while you handle the rope, you keep muscles not normally used in cardio activities active and get more out of your workout.

2) Dancing

To some, when you hear “dance”, you might instantly think about heading to the nearest nightclub and getting together with your friends, which may (or may not) be a good cardio workout in itself. But to get in an effective and fun workout, taking a dance class may be the next great idea. For those who are looking for a low-impact workout, taking a beginners hip-hop class, adult ballet class, or even samba dancing with your close friends can rev up your metabolism and burn just as many calories as running.

Man kicking the heavy bag

3) Boxing

You don’t have to fight someone to get a good workout in, but punching a bag is definitely a great exercise for your entire body. Ever wonder why boxers have such perfectly toned bodies? It’s because they’re getting a full-body workout every time they box! Repetition in punching, jabbing, and kicking will help you to increase your metabolism and achieve a lean figure while helping you build just enough muscle for that toned look.

4) Swimming

If you are someone who absolutely hates exercise and is turned off just by hearing the word “cardio”, then swimming may be your calling. Whether you’re swimming laps or floating around in one place, you’d be surprised to hear how beneficial swimming is to your cardiovascular health. Even if you’re just going for a light swim, that is enough to get your blood pumping, heart rate up, and metabolism going! And best of all, you’ll be having fun while trying to stay afloat!

5) Hiking

For those of you who are looking to just go for a walk, hiking is a great way to amp up your usual everyday activity. The natural interval patterns built into a trail (such as flat paths mixed with short, steady inclines or big hills) activate all parts of your body and challenge you beyond just walking on a flat surface. Your hike doesn’t need to be intense to be called a workout; even getting outdoors or hiking a small hill in your local neighborhood gets you one step closer to better health!