The 12 Most Effective Exercises and Workouts for Soccer Players

A soccer player exercise demonstration involving a deadlift barbell

Playing soccer requires a great deal of athleticism. Athletes know to keep a consistent workout routine to maintain peak performance, but pro athletes understand how to focus on the specific muscles and movements used on the field during workouts. Whether you’re trying to enhance your skills for games or keep in shape during the off-season, incorporating appropriate exercises into your routine can have a significant impact.

We recommend the following 12 very effective exercises and workouts for soccer players, including soccer player exercises for strength, soccer training workouts for endurance, and plyometric exercises.

Soccer Training Exercises for Strength 

Developing full-body strength allows soccer players to compete for the ball and hold their own against opponents. Here are some exercises you can integrate into your routine to increase strength:

Lower Body

Muscles TargetedBenefits
SquatsMultiple muscle groups, including the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, lower back, and coreEnhances running, jumping, and kickingImproves speed
LungesPrimarily the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes. Additionally, lunges also work on your calves, abs, and lower back muscles.Improves balance, stability, and coordinationImproves ability to change directions
Deadlifts Primarily the glutes, hamstrings, and lower back. Additionally, deadlifts also work the quadriceps, forearms, and traps.Improves kicking power, speed, acceleration, explosiveness, and agility 

Upper Body

Yes, soccer player exercises should include upper-body strength training too!

Muscles TargetedBenefits
Bench PressPrimarily the chest muscles, specifically the pectoralis major, as well as the front deltoids and tricepsProtect and win more balls by strong-armingShield the ball from defenders
Pull-UpsPrimarily the back muscles, including the latissimus dorsi, trapezius, and rhomboids. Additionally, pull-ups also engage your biceps and forearms. Increases grip strength (Keepers)Increases ability to dive for the ball (Ground and aerial dives)
Medicine Ball Throws Involves explosive movements that engage muscles of the core, shoulders, chest, back, and legs Improves overall power and dexterity

Soccer Player Exercises for Endurance

Endurance exercises are also a crucial soccer training workout component, as the game requires a lot of running and physical exertion. Here are some soccer training exercises for endurance that all players should adopt:

Muscles TargetedBenefits
Interval TrainingHas a significant impact on multiple areas of the body, including the cardiovascular system, respiratory system, muscular system, and metabolic system Maintaining energy from high-intensity burstsHelps recover more quickly between sprints
Fartlek Training Same targets as Interval TrainingPromotes fat loss and helps you feel lighter on the fieldIncreases speedDevelops decision-making skills under pressure
Hill SprintsSame targets as Interval TrainingIncreases force of jumping, shooting, and tackling

Plyometric Exercises for Soccer Players

Plyometric soccer training exercises involve explosive movements that can help improve power, speed, and agility. Here are some plyometric exercises to include in your soccer training workouts:

Muscles TargetedBenefits
Box Jumps Primarily the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes. Additionally, box jumps engage the lower leg muscles, including the calves and shins. Increases stability when landingMaintaining proper form and balanceBuilds muscle in high-contact areas to protect against injury
Jumping Lunges Multiple muscle groups in the body, including the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, calves, and coreImproves running, jumping, and kickingImproves body stability and leg power
BurpeesFull-body exercise that targets the arms, chest, quads, glutes, hamstrings, and core muscles Improves running, jumping, and kickingImproves cardiovascular endurance

Start Exercising Like a Pro

To become an elite soccer player, try focusing on the soccer player exercises that matter the most—ones that facilitate increased strength, endurance, and plyometrics. Don’t forget to warm up first and hydrate plenty to decrease the likelihood of injury. Also, allocate time for appropriate rest and recovery. With the right training program, taught by 10+ D1 players and coaches, and some hard work, you can train like a pro and finally find the formula that works for you!