What is Gluten-Free Skincare and What Are the Benefits?

What Is It? 

If you have Celiac Disease or a wheat allergy, you understand how much havoc gluten can wreak on the body. Even if you don’t have an allergy and you just deal with sensitive skin, you may have noticed that skincare products with gluten can cause breakouts and other negative skin reactions. Many skincare product manufacturers have noticed the same thing. Because of that, gluten-free skincare lines are becoming increasingly popular. 

While there is still some question as to whether or not gluten can be absorbed by the skin, skincare companies are not waiting for definitive scientific proof to make sure the needs of their consumers are met. More and more companies are opening up about the ingredients that their products are made of and making an effort to create gluten-free alternatives. They want you to feel empowered and in charge of what ingredients you use on and around your body.

Is It Necessary?

For those who suffer from Celiac disease and wheat-related allergic reactions regularly, the answer to this question is a resounding YES! Gluten-filled products create painful reactions within their digestive systems and any way to avoid those reactions is greatly appreciated. For them, gluten-free skincare is another positive way of avoiding any type of negative effects on their bodies. From rashes to increased acne, gluten and wheat-related skincare products are being rejected by their bodies externally just as much as wheat-filled foods are shunned internally.

Even if a person doesn’t suffer from wheat allergies or Celiac Disease, they may have noticed that certain skincare products increase the number of breakouts they have or cause uncontrollable, bad skin reactions. If you experience these adverse effects, gluten-free skincare may be something you should consider. Other people with sensitive skin have noticed a significant decrease in harsh breakouts when eliminating gluten-filled products from their skincare routine.

Whether you have an allergy or simply sensitive skin, you have probably already accepted that gluten-free skincare is a step in the right direction for skin care manufacturers. 

What Are The Benefits?

Now that you know a little more about gluten-free skin care and why it is becoming more popular, you should become more aware of the benefits of using it in your everyday skincare routine. Below, we have listed some of the main reasons why you should consider gluten-free skincare, especially if you have sensitive skin.

Reducing Unnecessary Toxins

It is a harsh reality that most of our foods and hygiene products are filled with chemicals. Basic skincare products are not an exception to that. Gluten and other wheat binders are simply one of many toxins that we allow near our bodies regularly. Studies have shown that gluten does not provide any necessary nutrients or positive benefits and can be eliminated without any negative effects. Given the opportunity, why not remove gluten from your skincare and see the benefits it will have on your skin.

Diminishing Bad Skin & Internal Reactions

Many consumers with wheat allergies or Celiac Disease can tell immediately when they have used a skincare product that contains wheat or gluten binders. Without being told the products contain harmful ingredients, they still mention feeling sick or having the tingling sensation associated with ingesting wheat or gluten. 

Similarly, men and women with sensitive skin notice an increase in rashes, redness, and dryness when they use skincare products containing wheat or gluten. However, when switching to gluten-free products, the symptoms are relieved. They even recognize a decrease in the amount of acne and other breakouts they experience.

Overall Healthier Lifestyle

Studies have shown that eliminating gluten from your diet and skin care are the beginning of starting a healthier lifestyle. As mentioned before, gluten does not provide your body with any necessary nutrients and does not have any notable positive benefits. Removing it from your skincare may improve skin problems that you didn’t even realize were caused by its inclusion in your skincare products.

It’s All About You

Ultimately, the decision to use gluten-free skincare products is in your hands. No one knows your body better than the person living inside it–you. If you know you have sensitive skin and have been looking for a solution, gluten-free skin care may be the answer you are looking for. We encourage you to try some of the skincare products that are made without gluten and see the difference it makes with your skin.