How Supplements Can Boost Your Immunity


Are you tired of getting sick all the time? Are you concerned about being vulnerable to an infection? Believe it or not, there are a variety of natural remedies and vitamins out there that can help boost your immune system and get rid of all sorts of ailments and viruses. Some supplements will also strengthen your defenses against infection. Each one works on your body differently, so let’s go over several vitamins and supplements and how they boost immunity in their own ways. 

Vitamin D

While Vitamin C is the most well-known and popular immunity booster, not as many people know that Vitamin D is also great for boosting your immunity. Known as the “sunshine vitamin,” Vitamin D is best received from a healthy dose of outdoor sun exposure. However, many people work indoors, and opt to spend their leisure time indoors as well. During the winter, it’s almost impossible to get a proper dosage of Vitamin D, which is why supplements are so useful. 

Vitamin D promotes good health in a variety of ways, increasing strength and energy naturally. However, it also stimulates production of cathelicidin, which is a protein with natural antibiotic properties. If you consume Vitamin D-rich food like seafood or egg yolks, or you take natural herbal supplements, your immune system will have the strength to fight off all sorts of infections, colds, and flu viruses.


Astragalus is an herb that has a history in traditional Chinese and Persian medicine, and today it’s being studied in modern pharmacology for its immune-boosting effects. It is thought that astragalus takes a little more time to build up in the body, but with regular doses, it can stimulate white blood cells to help fight off infections and prevent them from arising. 

This powerful herb is currently under heavy research for its role in the aging process of immune cells and is being sought out for fighting infections due to chronic diseases or aging, such as HIV and various cancers.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids


Omega-3 fatty acids are well known for their heart disease-fighting properties and other health benefits. However, did you know that this supplement also boosts the immune system and helps fight off infections? Omega-3 fatty acids also increase the activity of white blood cells, and they protect the lungs from common viruses and infections. 

Also, omega-3 fatty acids work together with Vitamin D to keep your Vitamin D levels high, and your immune system boosted to maximum effectiveness. Taking them together makes for a powerful supplement. 

Keeping Healthy

The key to a healthy lifestyle is a holistic appreciation of the body’s capabilities. A healthy diet, plenty of exercise, occasional sunshine, sleep, and natural supplements all work together to provide excellent health. Just taking supplements is usually not enough, but if you combine the natural supplements mentioned above with a healthy lifestyle, you’re sure to see fantastic health benefits like an improved immune system. This is why they are called supplements after all!