5 Alternatives to a Traditional Workout

woman is doing a workout

So you’ve been pumping iron at the gym for 10 or 15 years now and you’ve burned out on it. You keep switching your routine up but your body seems to have plateaued. You have dutifully changed your gym two or three times now, but still, your workouts are listless, your mind wanders and you rarely experience that burst of energy and rush of endorphins that lifting those weights used to give you. In other words, you’re over it.

Or maybe you’ve never been interested in joining a gym and have no history of working out, but suddenly you find yourself eager to stay in shape and maybe even want to build a bit of muscle. So what are you to do?

Or perhaps you’ve already tried a few workout alternatives, like yoga, cross-fit, aerobics, boxing and so on, and are in search of some new ways to stay healthy and on top of your game.

There is no law that says the only way to stay fit is to hit the local chain gym five days a week and lift weights or sign-up for some pricey in-house classes. There are many ways to stay strong, feel good and strengthen your muscles.

So whatever camp you fall into — over it, never tried it before or want something new – if you are interested in some alternatives to a traditional workout, we’ve assembled a solid list of non-gym workouts for you, some tried and true, others surprising and fresh. Remember, never undergo a fitness regiment without consulting with your physician first. And bear in mind, this is by no means a comprehensive list, and not all exercises are right for everyone. But we’re sure there is something on this list for pretty much anyone.

Give Capoeira a Try

Capoeira is a form of martial arts born in Brazil that is an extraordinary combination of acrobatics, dance and music, rich in cultural history and an essential part of Brazilian national identity. Many celebrated UFC fighters, like Thiago Santos, Marcus Aurelio, Anderson Silva and Mestre Barrão, have trained in capoeira.

An aerobics exercise like you’ve never done before, and terrific for flexibility and fitness, you can burn up to 500 calories an hour while doing it.  It especially tones and strengthens your lower body, from your buttocks down to your hamstrings. And on top of all that, the classes are a whole lot of fun.

Capoeira is so intrinsic to Brazilian cultural identity that UNESCO granted it a special protected status as “intangible cultural heritage.”

Go Climb a Mountain

You don’t have to climb up the deadly slopes of Mount Everest to enjoy all the benefits of rock climbing. From your local gym to spaces dedicated to the sport, it’s easy to go rock climbing right now if you want to. And if you’re able, you should.

Rock climbing is a fun yet intense way to build muscle and endurance as well as boost your brain function. A whole-body exercise, it especially works your latissimus dorsi, biceps brachii, forearm flexors, and soleus and gastrocnemius muscles. In other words, your back, arms and calves. That’s quite a workout!
A one-hour climb can burn as much as 900 calories, not to mention give you an exhilarating thrill the treadmill never could. Check out some more benefits to rock climbing here.

Grab that Pole and Go for a Twirl

You heard it here first: pole dancing is joining cross-fit and high-intensity interval training as the latest fitness craze sweeping the nation. Like martial arts and capoeira, it is a unique fusing of mind and body. And as with those two, pole dancing encompasses balance, coordination and stamina. But pole dancing also involves embracing raw sex appeal, making it a workout routine like no other. Some classes even involve learning how to pole dance while wearing high heels! (Why not?)

Pole dancing isn’t for exotic dancers only; after all, it does strengthen and can even build muscle – and isn’t that why we all workout?  An upper-body-intense routine, it’s great for toning your arms, shoulders, back and abdominals. While women do make up the vast majority of pole dancing practitioners, there are men who give it a try too. Whether male or female, if you’re game for a surprising new way to stay in shape – grab ahold of that pole and go for a twirl!

Jogging May Be Tried and True – But It Works!

Just because jogging has been around seemingly forever, and may seem like our retired parents’ way to staying in shape, doesn’t mean it doesn’t work. In fact, jogging has endured while so many trendy fitness crazes have come and gone for a reason: it is a proven, effective way to stay fit, offering myriad benefits for body and mind. That’s why so many books, blog posts and articles have been written on its joys.

A weight-bearing exercise, jogging helps to build strong bones. It burns a decent amount of calories and improves your cardiovascular fitness. It strengthens muscles and helps prevent hypertension and heart disease. How’s all that for some terrific health benefits?

But as legendary Ronco pitchman Ron Popeil used to say, “But wait! There’s more!” Jogging has been shown to reduce stress and improve mental fitness. It strengthens your immune system, increases your energy level and is thought to slow down the aging process. Some scientists are even convinced it increases your lifespan!

Jogging has been shown to improve the quality of your sleep. Some recent studies have suggested jogging helps prevent some cancers and can even help control and prevent diabetes. And of course, it reduces body fat levels and helps you to lose weight.

Wow! All that without so much as having to pick up a 10-lb. weight or do a squat!

Don’t Forget About Laps in the Pool

Swimming is a terrific low-impact exercise that’s easy to do and offers some health and fitness benefits you may be unaware of. First of all, it keeps your heart rate up without placing too much stress on your body (which is what makes it a low-impact exercise). It improves your lung function, tones your muscles and builds strength. It is especially good at building muscle in your back and shoulders.

A soothing exercise, it goes a long way to reducing your stress levels. Swimming lowers your blood pressure and reduces your risk of heart disease. It also improves the quality of your sleep and has been shown to elevate your mood. Swimming is a great way to maintain or lose weight; 30 minutes of breaststroke can burn well over 350 calories. It also is known to boost brain function. It is also thought to increase life span. A recent study showed that swimming reduces lower back pain. The list of swimming’s benefits goes on and on.

Another great selling point to swimming is that there are so many ways to do it. Breaststroke, backstroke, sidestroke, butterfly, freestyle or front crawl – you can easily switch up your routine in the pool and never grow bored. So grab your swimsuit and jump right in! That backyard pool, local lake or even the ocean, are ready for you!